Tuesday, November 30, 2010

A Year Later

I don't blog much, as is evident here. It's been nearly a year since my last post, and the ambitions I once felt to document every step of my progress as a filmmaker in 2010 have dwindled to nonexistence. That tends to happen when you have a thousand irons in the fire and zero free time to verbalize how it's all going down.

Anyway, just wanted to post quickly and mention some awesome news that indy filmmakers like myself will really appreciate. Go to Nathaniel Hansen's site and read THIS post about the success he and fellow filmmaker Christopher Salmon are having in raising funds for their upcoming animated film The Price (written by none other than Neil Gaiman).

Times are changing for artists! It's really exciting to see that independent filmmakers, musicians (see Sellaband.com) and other artists are able to bypass the studio/corporate system that has dominated the industry and get their work produced. The best part about it: it's the audience members who are supporting them in their ventures--normal people who pay money to see something made that they want to see. A revolution in every sense of the word, and one that will lead to the inevitable downfall of the studio giants and their monopoly on blockbuster cinema.

Check out the website for The Price. Something very cool is afoot.

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